Moving Media

The video above is generated from a sound recording of a psychoanalysis session where I mic’ed both myself and a Lacanian therapist. The name of the resulting audio file is “session01_Mono16bit44100.aif”. The video was drawn in real-time using a custom software patch built in Max/MSP/Jitter. The sound file is transcoded into a visual waveform, which deposits the layers of sound over time as pixels into the visual matrix. Those pixels are then displaced and propagated within the subjective image universe by a variety of virtual forces…

From the first moment, the city that slides into view is a fragmented world of image assemblies that bears little resemblance to Google’s familiar simulations of moving along the street. At best we accept it as a provisional place of images, flat or curved, which seem to have acquired gravitational force that alternatively attract, or repel us. The whole city mimics our current state of distracted attention where we are surrounded and tempted by images on…

Intrigued by Apple’s patent on finger motions– claiming rights on muscle memory, the tangibility of pinching through physical representations of time enables us to interact directly…

For the last few years I’ve been using “installation view” photographs as sources for works examining our online encounter with art set in physical spaces. As someone who lives away from major art cities and centers, I’m drawn to the material and conceptual conditions that surround the careful composition, presentation…

This project investigates the idea of using computation to “use up” a piece of technology, in this case a digital camera. Using custom-written software (and a very long period of time), every possible photograph…

Professional sporting events are places of intense spectacle. Athletes rise to celebrity status as they execute stunning displays of skill to the explosive adulation of audiences waiting in anticipation…

Leigh Merrill constructs imaginary spaces using thousands of photographs and video segments to create oddly hypnotic and meditative scenes of banal commercial environments. This featured piece, Lone Star, functions as a sort of moving photograph…

Xanadu critiques popular representations of the increasingly virtual ‘ideal city’; here conceived as a trans-cultural model of contemporary utopia…