
Exhibition and art fair reviews

snap+share: transmitting photographs from mail art to social networks makes a case that the dissemination of photographs is just as important as their creation. It’s an exhibition about the socialization of photographs, various forms of sharing throughout the medium’s history, and the conceptual issues that arise from the immediacy of online sharing.

The boldest, most challenging, and most socially relevant works at the fair were all produced by women. It was refreshing to see that contemporary dealers are closing the gap of representation equality, and that talent is surpassing maleness as the definitive criteria for contemporary gallery rosters.

We all know the criticisms. Overly commercial. Too conservative. Unrepresentative of what’s important about art. Superficial and pretentious crowd. And beyond all that, in photography specifically, there appears to be a predictable roster of blue-chip artists whose work is prominently featured in one booth after the other creating a déjà vu effect throughout the fair.